This server can be used to predict the DNA-binding residues for a given protein chain using the algorithm published in Chen et al. 2007†, which is summarized on this page. It can also use a method capable of predicting both DNA and RNA-binding residues using the method published in Chen et al. 2014‡ and is summarized on this page. For your target protein complete the following steps to receive a prediction of the NA-binding residues for your protein chain. (Note: Currently we are taking only single chain PDB structures).
The button below automatically loads the data needed to do a DNA binding residue prediction for 1HCR, chain A, or if you wish you can just look at the output that was given from a saved prediction we did earlier for 1TSR chain B. After clicking the button it may take up to ten seconds for the data to be downloaded and for the prediction to start, and it will finish in around 5 minutes.
Output from a previous prediction on chain B from 1TSR can be found here.
†Predicting DNA-binding amino acid residues from electrostatic stabilization upon mutation to Asp/Glu and evolutionary conservation, Chen Y-C, Wu C-Y and Lim C. (2007) Proteins, 67, 671-80. PubMed
DR_bind: a web server for predicting DNA-binding residues from the protein structure based on electrostatics, evolution and geometry Chen Y-C, Wright J.D. and Lim C. (2012) Nucleic Acids Research, 40. PubMed
‡ Identifying RNA-binding residues based on evolutionary conserved structural and energetic features Chen Y-C., Sargsyan K., Wright J., Huang Y-S and Lim C. (2014) Nucleic Acids Research, 42. PubMed
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